Tuesday, January 6, 2009


So whiLe we were in CaLifornia David's sweet sweet sister got us tickets for Wicked! I was so excited because it had been so Long since I saw it the Last time and this time David and Jaida got to come. I had prepped Jaida with showing her youtube cLips and Listening to the music so she was way stoked. We Loved it of course. It's amazing! But after the pLay I wanted to go to Britney Spears Star. I had never been to hoLLywood before. So we drove down hoLLywood and parked. Going down hoLLywood bLvd. is an experience Let me tell u!! The pictures speak themselves.We of course had to get Jaida a shirt. Of Course! Ok. So this is the first picture on HoLLywood Blvd. I thought oh fun Jaida Let's take ur picture. Mr. IncredibLe u get in too. Everyone get in. Afterward Barney says "We make our Living off tips 1$ for each of us." So we were Like ohhhKay! We did it, but were then very seLective of who we wanted a picture with.Britney Spears StarThis guy was worth a buck and he gave us a sLinkyWe then ate at Disney Soda Fountain and Studio StoreIt was a LittLe girLs birthday so her grandpa got ELvis off the street to sing to her.Back to HoLLywood bLvd. I had to start sneaking pictures.Batman caught me taking his picture and said why don't u get in it. I said I onLy have a $5 do u have change and he said yes. So we took our pictures. When I gave him the $5 he gave me a hug and said thanks. Batman is a Thief!!This was the worst CindereLLa ever! She had an engLish accent and took forever making her baLLoons. A good way to end the night!


Steelefamily said...

Cute. I have a couple of pics of Brooke and Sydey on my blog.