Thursday, February 26, 2009


So David and I had the chance to go to CaLifornia just us with no kids. We only had 1 fuLL day to ourseLves. We spent it in hoLLywood in hopes to see a "ceLebrity". It was oscar weekend and after awhiLe of stalking the rich and famous stores we went to one more place on my List. The Four Seasons Hotel. We got a tabLe to hav Lunch and that's when Tyrese came in. He stood right at our table taLking to the waiter. Then he went and sat down. Then Larry FLynt came in his gold studded Louis Vutton wheeL chair. I had a bad seat and it was hard for me to see that's when our staLker friend asked us to sit with him. He had a great view of all the fancy Limos and cars dropping off the celebs. We saw Robert Downy Junior, Josh Brolin(he was bush in W, and the older bro in the goonies), Meredith Viera and Al Roker, Jerry Lewis, TiLda Swinton(the ice queen in narnia), Djimon Hounsou(he was in gladiater), Kimora Lee Simmons. Then another car came and out came Mickey Rourke. So pictures are not aLLowed, but when Mickey got there he was happily taking pics with fans so we ran over to get one. Overall it was a really fun trip, but definetly too short.
WeLcome to HoLLywoodUs with our ceLebrity staLker friendMICKEY ROURKE

Tyrese's car. He was eating Lunch behind us.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So I Left Sidney upstairs pLaying with playdough by herseLf. She was in her booster everything seemed fine. I went downstairs to take care of Jack I was not down there too Long
I thought. But when I came upstairs to make a bottLe this is what happened. Suspicious fridge door open"Hey what are doing!" No One's thereSuspicious cLothes

Caught ya!

ApparentLy she wanted to take a bath. IN THE SINK!

Monday, February 9, 2009


This is my very handsome, cute, adorabLe, happy baby boy! I'm teLLing you he is the happiest baby u ever saw ALWAYS! p.s. I didn't reaLize how much I put that yeLLow shirt on him. I gotta start mixing it up.


David's friend takes care of some kangeroos and the girLs absoLuteLy Love her. So David took them to see her and do some target shooting. Poor Jack is stiLL too LittLe. Or maybe I shouLd say poor David Jack is stiLL too LittLe.


My cousin Winter was so kind enough to take these pictures for us! Thanks =)


This is New Year's Eve we spent in the hospitaL cuz Skye was born and we had a party at the hospitaL. I know I'm Late but better than never I guess.MicheLe being the favorite auntieBaby SkyeThe Sambrano cLanThis is how we partyMe and my baby boy!