Sunday, January 4, 2009


So It was my first time at UniveraL Studios. It was mine and David's first time out ALONE in a Long time so we went to UnversaL Studios and HoLLywood and and a BLAST not having to worry about the kids.

Doing the UnversaL Studios Lot tour
"Back to the Future" DeLorian
Movie magic fLood

Vacancy at Norman Bates HoteL

The War of the WorLds pLane crash set
Hey BiLLy
I don't Like to wait and stand in Line to take my picture with the characters so I just take them with strangers in them.
I went on the Mummy ride and we had just got a Hot Coco refiLL so I put in my purse and it all came into my Lap on the ride. I was drenched. My skirt boots sweatshirt EVERYTHING! So David being the nice gentLeman husband switched sweatshirts with me.

David got caLLed on stage to heLp be a part of the show. It was freakin hiLarious.
This guy heLped out in the show. I guess he's been in Hannah Montana.
Hey baby
So cute monkey in the animaL show
Kinda dumb Haunted House
Stopping by WHO-VILLE

Outside on City WaLk
This is my goaL weight aLmost there, I just need to miss a coupLe more meaLs :)

We went and had dessert at The Ivy. The ceLebrity hot spot. I wouLd Love to say I saw someone amazing, but It was Like 9pm and hardLy anyone, but It's stiLL fun to say I was there.


Chris Sambrano said...

Wow! Love the pics of everything and Jaida baking her cupcake. So glad you're back now! Love ya