Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I wouLd Like to thank John Mcain and Sarah PaLin for having us over for an incredibLy fun night! There was yummy food, and a pumpkin carving contest, fishing for the kids, bobbing for appLes, and dancing in the witche's Lair ooooooh!
This is John Mcain and Sarah PaLin (ELise's Parents who were the hosts)
Poncho someone and mexican girL80's coupLe and Ironman(Trevor, ELise, and Dom)A cow and WiLLy Wonka (Lindsay and Jon)Wicked witch and Minnie Fishing for prizesDancing in the Witch's LairSidney LiteraLLy jumped Like this for an hour!! She can't hoLd her sugar!Sarah PaLin bobbing for appLesElise's Dad showing us how it's reaLLy doneTrevor Is that PriciLLa hoLding my baby (Kara and Gordon) She wasn't PriciLLa, but I thought she Looked Like her. They were a 70's coupLe and Gordon is wearing oLd schooL roLLer skates!Jaida showing the LittLe kids how to do it

That wasn't hard


Ashley said...

That party looks like SO much fun! I miss you guys!

Michele said...

That looks so fun!! Man, we miss out on all the fun stuff!