Monday, July 20, 2009


So I left to take the girLs to their preschooL day camp that is right down the street. I ask my mother-in-law if she could get Jack a bottle and put him in his crib, as he was crying and ready to go down. She was in the middle of a project down stairs and when I walked through the door Jack in the garbage eating RAW EGGS! I was probably gone 5 minutes tops!!Instead of just getting him a bottle or not even that just watching him for heaven's sake she thought it would easier to bathe him and then clean up a big 'ol mess!


Nikki Moshier said...

Lord have mercy! Are you two on speaking terms after that one?

Sundbergs said...

That is rough. Hope everything is smoothed out.

Steelefamily said...

Oh geez. You poor thing. Sometimes little things are the kicker. I hope you took a nap with him:)