Monday, September 29, 2008

The Cougar CrawL

Jaida's schooL had a fund raiser to raise money for suppLies. It was a waLk-a-thon so after she raised money she had to go waLk at the schooL. It was big deaL. A Fire truck, and an ambuLance was there for the kids to Look at. Safety booths were there to teach the kids earthquake saftey (which we'LL need in caLifornia) and how to wear there seatbeLts. Candy, popcorn, and drinks it was reaLLy fun. Jaida with the safety dog McGruf
Jaida on her 2nd Lap around

Supporting the Cougars

Grandma Chris


Nikki Moshier said...

Jaida looks so cute in her little dress. And I fianally got to see my Sidney! Our kids are growing up without each other :( Sad!

Sundbergs said...

What a great idea to get the kids involved with the school. WHat a fun day. And baby Jack with his smile is so adoreable.