Monday, November 24, 2008

My chiLdren...What wiLL they think of next. So Jaida has been taLking about a Lemonade stand and I toLd her in the summer she can, but right now it's too coLd. So after church whiLe I'm feeding Jack, which is when these girLs get their crazy ideas, I keep hearing the door opening and cLosing. So I say Jaida get inside. She says I can't and she runs outside with some paper. I finish Jack and go see what is going on and this is what I find. They're seLLing miLk for 10$! First of aLL I teLL her aLL your customers are in church and it's sunday. And I asked her why are you seLLing miLk? And she says "cuz we didn't have any Lemonade."


So just a LittLe photo shoot before church. He's getting so big and starting to Look Like a boy and not a baby.
So I put up the crib Last night and it was Jack's first night in the crib. I know he's sLeeping on pink (Sidney's) I stiLL need to go get him some mascuLine bedding.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Saturday, November 8, 2008


So with all this prop 8 and eLection stuff happening I've been online researching. There was an ad put out against our church about prop 8 (youtube home invasion). Anyway after youtubing it I was youtube surfing and seeing tons of these anti mormon videos that have been posted. Talking about and showing sacred things, but with a faLse twist to them. I was infuriated with what I was seeing and couldn't beLieve some of the comments peopLe had written about mormons. I know it's the Last Days and this has been taught to us that we wouLd endure percecution, but I didn't think it wouLd effect me this way. So I was on the computer and Jaida asked, "Mommy what are you doing?"
I said,"Oh, just peopLe are saying some bad things"
and she must have seen some pictures of the tempLe cuz she asked,"About church?"
And I Looked at her and said,"Yes."
Then she Looked puzzLed and distraught and asked,"Why?"
I didn't know how to expLain it to her cuz I can hardLy understand myseLf so I said,"I don't know they're just stupid and they don't know."
And in her childLike innocense she says,"That makes me sad. Church is good, and some peopLe don't go to church, but if you don't go to church you don't Learn, and that makes Jesus sad."
I didn't have to expLain anything. She expLained it to me. This is just the beginning. Our precious babes are the ones we have to teach and prepare for these Last Days. My testimony has onLy grown from seeing those videos and I feeL sad for them. We have to stay cLose to the iron rod and teach our chiLdren too.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



I wouLd Like to thank John Mcain and Sarah PaLin for having us over for an incredibLy fun night! There was yummy food, and a pumpkin carving contest, fishing for the kids, bobbing for appLes, and dancing in the witche's Lair ooooooh!
This is John Mcain and Sarah PaLin (ELise's Parents who were the hosts)
Poncho someone and mexican girL80's coupLe and Ironman(Trevor, ELise, and Dom)A cow and WiLLy Wonka (Lindsay and Jon)Wicked witch and Minnie Fishing for prizesDancing in the Witch's LairSidney LiteraLLy jumped Like this for an hour!! She can't hoLd her sugar!Sarah PaLin bobbing for appLesElise's Dad showing us how it's reaLLy doneTrevor Is that PriciLLa hoLding my baby (Kara and Gordon) She wasn't PriciLLa, but I thought she Looked Like her. They were a 70's coupLe and Gordon is wearing oLd schooL roLLer skates!Jaida showing the LittLe kids how to do it

That wasn't hard


Saturday, November 1, 2008


At our good friend MiLana's house
Sidney was very excited to have seen Jasmine and ALaddin
Jaida was too scared to get candy here, Sidney wasn't!
Cutest cow you ever saw!
Jaida's haLLoween parade at schooL


Sidney with her BFF Gracie
Getting ready for SHOWTIME!